Although the spring semester ended a week ago, I still find myself in a state of recovery. These past seven days have been filled with mornings well spent sleeping in, catching up with friends I lost contact with over the semester, spending time with David, digging into a pile of books, and pouring money into Blockbuster in order to catch up with my favorite TV shows.
I finally caught up on Nip/Tuck, House, and How I Met Your Mother. I kinda miss TV. It's a rule of mine never to own a TV while in college; I had one while living in the dorms and found myself annoyed by its constant interference with my studies. I rent TV shows now, (or watch them online), but only when I have the time for them.
David and I, along with a ton of friends, saw the new Star Trek movie on opening night. It was amazing! The acting was top notch, the special effects were stunning, the story line was solid. I highly recommend it. While I enjoyed both movies, I personally preferred it over Watchmen. I enjoyed it a second time last night with my room mates, Isaac and Bri.
On Friday, I went to go see David's new puppy. A yorkie-poodle mix named Chewy. Normally I am not a fan of small dogs, but who can resist a puppy? The fact that it does not yap excessively helps.
On Saturday, I bought my mother flowers (petite yellow roses, her favorite), and gave them to her for mothers day. Her P.O.S Dell finally died, which means she is buying a new computer. She plans to buy a new iMac, which makes me happy. This also means she will no longer be using dial-up internet (I never understood her reasons for using internet technology a decade outdated). A new Mac and high speed internet! I'm excited.
Welcome to the 21st century, Mother!
On Sunday I rescued a kitten. I saw an ad for a free kitten, and discovered a malnourished 5 month old female being tormented by five children, one of whom had cut off some of her whiskers. I do not know if I will keep her or find a better home for her, but I could not let her remain where she was. The kitten, a scratching post, litter box, litter, and two bags of food, all for free. Not a bad deal, eh? I named her Lithium (Lithie for short).
Why Lithium? Because she makes crazy people happy.
This week I'm getting back into the mode of responsibility.
That means facing the horrendous amount of money I have spent the last two weeks on food, movie tickets, books, movie rentals, and hair; promising myself to create a budget and spend my money wiser.
It means turning in my summer loan application.
It means applying for a summer job at the university's IT Department.
It means working on my DOT biohazard transportation regulations for my MT class.
I've done most of this. Tomorrow, I turn in the IT application and work on the MT class. And then I will be free until next Monday, when Summer classes (Intro Biology & accompanying lab) start. But tonight, I am sitting back and relaxing with a cut of green tea and season three of How I Met Your Mother.
And a shiny new blog.
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