Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Geekery abound!

I am officially done with school for the next month, and am spending my evening studying microbiology and making flashcards...for fun.
Still stuck and student mode, I suppose.

I was browsing through thinkgeek.com with my friend Laura the other day, and found some great gift ideas for christmas/upcoming birthdays.

First off, the best wrapping paper ever!


And equations!!!

Awesome, no?

I plan to buy these for my dad this Christmas. I think he would appreciate them, especially the engineering one ^_^

This one I would like. I can't really think of anyone in my family who would like it, except maybe my mom, but I doubt she would ever use it. Its a UV Wand disinfectant wand! How awesome.
And if that's not cool enough, then how about a periodic table of elements shower curtain!

My little sister is really into marine biology, and I saw this and realized it is the perfect gift for her! They're called Triops, they have three eyes, and they are awesome.

And for my computer geek friend Ryan, I am thinking about this circuit-board business card holder.

My step-dad Lou will probably get this 6-in-1 utility tool

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