Friday, May 22, 2009

Classes, Classes, Classes! (and music)

I had my lab class tonight, and decided afterward to drop it. I expected the intro Biology classes to be easy, but this was ridiculous. At least in the lecture I am learning a few things here and there, which is exactly what I wanted: to fill in the blanks of my basic biology knowledge.
I managed to get a 50% refund for the lab, which is better then nothing. All the more time to spend working (once I actually get a job).

In other class news, I finally managed to get into a fall '09 Chemistry class & lab at my actual university, instead of having to drive 50 miles away to the other campus. Its going to save me a nice bit of money, since I was going to have to pay mandatory fee for both campuses, not to mention the cost of gar driving there. It's not with my preferred teacher, but she is not as bad as some of the others, according to student reviews (I always schedule my entire semester not around work or sleep, but professors. Trust me, it makes a difference.)

I also managed to get a music player on the blog! How do you like it? I like a lot of harder rock and metal as well, but this is my feel good/wake up/calm down music. Hard rock on my blog didn't seem to fit. There's some of the newer hits by MIA, Lady Gaga, and Rihanna, as well as some good beats by Paul van Dyke, Engine Room, Blue Man Group, and Massive attack. Some of my feminist favorites such as Beautiful, Fighter, and Miss Independent, and calmer tunes by Elysian Fields, Gary Jules, and Death Cab for Cutie.
And geeky ones such as Flight of the Conchords and John Coulton.

I stopped by Davids house on my way back home, and gave him a gift of charcoal pencils. They were pretty cheap, but I could not really afford better, and I wanted to give him a gift. I remember him saying he likes drawing with charcoal.
I ended up falling asleep while watching Family Guy, curled up on the couch with him.

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