Saturday, May 23, 2009

Late night pie

Ugh, its 3 am and I am too exhausted to write much of anything.
I had a midnight pie run at Denny's with Ryan tonight. We caught up, and talked a lot about relationships, mostly comparing my logical approach to his emotional approach. He helped me make a list of questions and variables I should know before admitting my feelings of love to David. Big questions on the list included:
- What kind of relationship does he want? More specifically, where would he like this relationship to go?
- In terms of communication, does he prefer blunt or subtle?
- What kind of personality does he have? (So far, laid-back, a touch submissive, great humor)
- What, in this relationship, would he like to see changed?
- What things make him nervous?

There were other questions too, but these were big ones.

Now, time to go curl up in bed, watch Sex in the City, and sleep.

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